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Picture リトリート(合宿研修) - Retreat

Retreat Picture

2010年度 異文化教育実践研修会(リトリート)のお知らせ



  二日目は、米国ポートランド州・オレゴンにあるIntercultural Communication Institute (ICI) よりChad Stewart氏をお招きし、ICIとKozai Groupが共同で開発した「Intercultural Effectiveness Scale」に関するワークショップを実施いただきます。参加者の皆さんにも、実際のアセスメントを受けていただいた上で、授業やビジネスなどの現場で活用できるよう、実践的な学びの機会をご提供いただきます。

The retreat program this year will be held in Izukogen on February 20 (Sat) and 21(Sun). We will have three wonderful presenters at the seminar. On the first day, Prof. Shoko Araki (Obirin University) will introduce Albatross, an intercultural simulation. With the simulation experience, we will discuss how we can develop communication skills to understand different cultural values and to create better interpersonal relationship. We will also have a presentation by Dr. Kyoko Morita (Rikkyo University) will follow to share her recent research on minority education in contemporary Japan. She will talk about the findings from her ethnographic research on Brazilian students in a public elementary school in Nagano, as well as a research method, urban ethnography, that she used in the study.

On the second day, Mr. Chad Stewart (Intercultural Communication Institute) will conduct a workshop on Intercultural Effectiveness Scale, an assessment which was developed by ICI and Kozai Group. Each participant will have an opportunity to take the actual assessment, and we will learn how to actually use it in the classroom or in the business field through this practical workshop.

2010年2月20日(土) - 21日(日)  一泊二日
February 20th (Sat) - 21st (Sun), 2010

TEL: 0557-51-4846

Izu Kogen Obirin Club
〒413 - 0231 1317, Futo, Ito-shi, Shizuoka


16,000yen (members), 19,000yen (non- members)
13,000yen (member or non-member full-time students)

お部屋: 一部屋を、3〜4人で共有します。ご夫婦、ご家族で参加される方には、お早めにお申し込みいただければ、別室を用意いたします。ご家族の方は、宿泊料金(11,000円、子ども料金あり)のみ。

This includes accommodation, facilities, meals, reception, and participation fees. Room: 3-4 people share one room. For couples or families, we can prepare one room if you can let us know beforehand.
Fee for a family: 11,000 yen for adult. (There is a child discount)


Eメール送信の際は、件名に「 リトリート申し込み 」とご記入下さい。

  1. 氏名
  2. 会員、非会員、学生会員の別
  3. 所属
  4. 電子メール
  5. 住所
  6. 電話番号
  7. 送迎 希望しない・ 希望する(出発時刻選択 11:45 12:40)


支払い方法: 参加費は当日、現金にてお支払いください。
キャンセル料: 3日前以降10,000円、当日100%の参加費を後日指定の口座へお振込みください。

Please send the following information by E-mail to by Feb 10 Wed.

First-come, first-serve basis, as the number of rooms available is limited.If you do not have e-mail, please send it by fax (03-3368-2822). Please write “Application for IC Seminar” on the subject line when you send your information by e-mail.

  1. Name
  2. Member, non-member, student-member
  3. Affiliation
  4. E-mail
  5. Address
  6. Tel
  7. Shuttle Service: No / Yes (Please choose time: 11:45 12:40)

<Confirmation> Our e-mail will confirm your application.
<Payment> Payments are to be made on site. (Cash only)
<Cancellation fee> After March. 11: 10,000yen, On the day:100% of participation fee


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