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月例会 - Monthly Progrmas




February 22nd
"Culture Clash in the Japanese EFL Classroom"


January 26th
"Mahatma Gandhi, a Nationalist and Interculturalist: Concepts, Visions, and Values"

文京女子大学教授であり、ベストセラーとなった「Gandi's Vision and Values」の著者Dr. Vivek Pintoをむかえ、Gandiと英国人Charles Freer Andrews (1871-1940)の友情をインターカルチャーの視点から考察した。Dr. Pintoは、対照的な二人がより大きな目標を達成するために用いた文化を越えるコンセプト、ビジョン、そして価値観を中心に講演された。SIETARのメンバーにとっても、インターカルチャーの深い意味が執拗なナショナリズムを越え得た実例として、学ぶことの多い講演だった。

Dr. Vivek Pinto, Professor of Asian and Peace Studies at Bunkyo Women's College and author of the best selling book, Gandhi's Vision and Values, examined the dimensions of Gandhi's friendship with Englishman, Charles Freer Andrews (1871-1940). Dr. Pinto focused on the types of intercultural concepts, vision, and values these distinctly opposite persons forged to weld themselves together for a larger purpose. Dr. Pinto encouraged SIETAR members to learn from this friendship so as to understand the deep-rooted nature of how interculturalism transcends tenacious nationalism in very trying circumstances.

February 10th
"Introduction to Community Building and FCE"
「コミュニティービルディングと FCE」

The Foundation for Community Encouragement (FCE)のスペシャルプロジェクトディレクター、Eve BerryさんがSIETARジャパンのメンバーのために半日がかりのワークショップを開催してくれた。ワークでは、シアトルに本拠地をおく非営利団体、FCEのコミュニティービルディングの方法が紹介された。その方法とは、「The Road Less Traveled」の著者M. Scott Peck氏によるものである。講義と体験学習のセッションをとおして、コミュニケーションとコミュニティーの関係、コミュニティービルディングの段階、コミュニティービルディングのガイドライン・原則・実践、コミュニティービルディングを組織で利用する方法などを学んだ。

Ms. Eve Berry, Director of Special Projects for The Foundation for Community Encouragement (FCE), presented a half-day workshop for SIETAR Japan. Ms. Berry introduced FCE, a Seattle based, international non-profit teaching the community building methods developed M. Scott Peck, author of The Road Less Traveled. Including both information and experiential sessions, this workshop explored the relationship between communication and community, the stages of community building, community building guidelines, principles and practices, and how community building can be applied in organizational settings.

February 22nd
"Intercultural Co-training"

Intercultural Communication Instituteの副代表でありSIETAR USAの代表、Margaret (Peggy) Puschさんによる、文化背景の違うパートナーとトレーニングを行うことについての講演。トレーニングプログラムの活気と効果をより高めるために使える、文化を越えたトレーナー間インターアクションのモデルが紹介された。また、トレーニングのパートナーを選んだり、パートナーとの関係をマネージする上で留意すべき要素が強調された。参加したSIETAR Japan のメンバーも、自ら体験した共同トレーニングを例にあげ、他者とのトレーニングが成功する方法についてたずねる機会をもつことができた。

Ms. Margaret (Peggy) Pusch, Associate Director of the Intercultural Communication Institute and President of SIETAR USA, explored the issues that arise when co-trainers are from different cultures. She presented useful models for intercultural interaction that culturally different trainers can utilize to make training programs more vibrant and effective. Peggy stressed important considerations in selecting a co-trainer and how to best manage the relationship. SIETAR Japan members were able to share their co-training experiences and inquire about how to make a co-training arrangements work.

March 23rd
"Understanding American Cultural Patterns"

今年もまたDr. Bennett 夫妻をSIETAR Japanの月例会お迎えすることができたのは、嬉しいことだった。Dr. Milton Bennett 、Dr. Janet Bennettは米国オレゴン州のIntercultural Communication Instituteの共同代表。また、彼らが創りあげてきた Intercultural Relations修士プログラムは今年で8年目をむかえた。この日のプログラムは英語教師、渡米前オリエンテーションに携わる者、米国人と仕事をする機会のある者などを対象に、文化の多様性、文化スタイルの構造、価値観と現代アメリカの文化事情などといった、米国をたずねるものが体験そうな点を中心に進められた。

We were very pleased to welcome back this year, Drs. Milton & Janet Bennett, both into their eighth year as Co- Directors of the Intercultural Communication Institute in Portland, Oregon. Designed for those teaching English, preparing to travel to the U.S. or working with Americans, this year's presentation focused on some of the typical issues visitors may experience in the U.S., including the importance of cultural diversity, the American structure of cultural styles and values and current cultural concerns in the United States.

September 20th
"Crossing Cultures: A Personal Journey "
「 文化を越える:キャレン・アントンの旅路」

テンプル大学、インターカルチュアル・コミュニケーションセンター、ディレクター、そして「Crossing Cultures 」の著者Karen Hill Antonさんは、多くの人々から異文化適応の成功例として賞賛され、異文化生活への常識的なアプローチで知られている。異文化で生活するうえでの日々のチャレンジやフラストレーション、孤独感などについてインターアクティブなディスカッションが繰り広げられた。この日はHill Antonさんの20年にわたる日本生活のスライドが披露され、彼女自身の文化を越える旅路をご紹介いただいた。

Karen Hill Anton, Director of the Intercultural Communication Center at Temple University Japan, and author of the book, Crossing Cultures, has been praised by many as a model of successful cross-cultural adaptation and is recognized for her common-sense approach to cross-cultural living. Ms. Hill Anton facilitated an interactive discussion on the daily challenges, frustration and loneliness of cross-cultural living. In this presentation, highlighted with slides documenting more than 20 years living in Japan, Karen shared the story of her personal cross-cultural journey.

October 13th
"Obstacles that Stand in the Way of Understanding the Arab Culture "


May Shigenobu, lecturer on Middle Eastern Affairs, was born in Beirut to a Japanese mother and a Palestinian father. She lived in Beirut and the Arab world, graduated from the American University of Beirut in Political Studies and Public Administration. She emphasized that as a new generation we should seek information and knowledge by ourselves and not just be satisfied with those that are provided to us in simple classifications and generalizations. From this context, she gave explanation on why the war in the Middle East is going on for more than 50 years, why peace negotiation hasn't worked, why the Palestinians are fighting with stones...etc. Similarly, it is best to know why prejudices and stereotypes are created, how it serves peoples' understandings, where and how they are most likely to be created, and how we can start to overcome them.

December 8th
"Cultural Styles and Approaches to Managing Change "

12月には1日がかりのスペシャルワークショップが開催。講師の Dr. Rebecca Chan Allen はDelta Learning Organization会長。また、カナダのカルガリー大学で教鞭をとっており、1998年と2001年には慶応大学でも客員教諭として講義をされている。このワークショップでは、彼女の新著「Guiding Change Journeys」でとりあげられている5つの文化にあった変化のマネージ法がテーマ。参加者はこのワークを通して、変化を起こすリーダーやファシリテーターが、ビジネスの不確実性や組織の多様性に対処するユニークなスタイルをいかに作り上げるかを学ぶ。不朽の洞察や、新しい科学、神話、さまざまな文化の変化に対する見地、そして精神的な方法をもとにしたテクニックを実際に使い、袋小路を革新へ、衝突を創造へと替える方法を体験する。

Dr. Rebecca Chan Allen is President of Delta Learning Organization, adjunct faculty at the University of Calgary, and visiting lecturer at Keio University (1998, 2001). In this workshop, Dr. Chan Allen introduces five cultural styles in managing change, described in her new book, Guiding Change Journeys. Participants learn how change leaders and facilitators learn to develop their unique change style in confronting business volatility and organization diversity. In this full-day workshop, participants have hands-on experience in using timeless insights and techniques from new science, mythology, cross-cultural change perspectives and spiritual practices to transform impasse into innovation and conflict into creativity.



Monday, January 31
"Counseling the International Community in Tokyo: Seeing the Self in Another Culture"
「東京の外国人相談 - 異文化を通してみつめる自己」

ナンシー山田 Nancy Yamada (TELL /Tokyo English Life Line)

Thursday, February 17
"How to Reconcile Cultural Differences in Japan to Achieve Business Results"

多田 稔 (アクゾノーベル株式会社人事担当取締役) 異文化がビジネスにどのような影響を与えるかを人事考課の例について検証し、具体的な提案を行います。 多田氏は、23年間日本企業、13年間外資系企業の経験をお持ちです。著書に、「公平な人事考課が会社を変える ― 年功序列から実力主義へ」(すばる人事研究所1999)。

Mr. Minoru Tada (Human Resources Director, Akzo Nobel K. K.) has 23 years experience in a Japanese company and 13 years in global companies. He has recently published a book "Seniority to Meritocracy" (Subaru Jinji Kenkyusho 1999). LANGUAGE: English (Japanese if necessary)

Saturday, March 18
"COMING HOME - the making of a good return"
「アフターアメリカ・アフタージャパン」 - 帰国体験を生かすことについて


Regge Life completed a third documentary, AFTER AMERICA...AFTER JAPAN, a film that chronicles the saga of re-entry for Americans and Japanese. After watching the video, he lead a discussion that examines the similar and dissimilar issues that Americans and Japanese face returning home.

Friday, March 24
"Cultural Differences in Cognitive Styles"


Milton Bennett Ph.D. & Janet Bennett Ph.D. (The Intercultural Communication Institute)

June 16
"The Multicultural Compass"

ジャキー・ワシレウスキー博士(国際基督教大学)/ Dr.Jackie Wasilewski (International Christian University )

July 19th
"Assessment and Selection for International Assignments to China"

Dana Breitenstein, Director Intercultural Services - Asia Pacific of Cendant Intercultural, The Bennett Group

October 27th
"Bridging Islands" (What is Culture Adjustment?)

Mark Roth (Center for English Language Education, ASIA University) & Mary Fidler (Officer of International Affairs, Asia University)

Thursday, November 9th
"Yugoslavia at a Crossroad"

Prof. Radmilla Nakarada & Prof. Miroslav Pecujlic (Visiting Professors on Peace Studies, International Christian University)

Saturday, December 9th (Year-End Party to follow!!!)
"Japanese Strategies of Negotiation and Implications on Japan-U.S. Relations"

Dr. Kazuo Nishiyama, Visiting Professor of Intercultural Communication



February 8
"How Culture Influences Communication Style in Mixed-married Couples"


Yuko Franklin, Ph.D. (Lecturer, California Institute of Integral Studies)

May 29
"Korean and Japanese: how can understanding and friendship be built?"
「韓国人と日本人: 互いに理解し、親しくなるためにどうすればいいのか?」


Ms. Nobue Maeda (Lecturer, Nagoya Meitoku Junior College)

Monday, June 21
"Racism and the Theatre of the Oppressed"

Mr. Andy Hickson (Writer and Director) / アンディ・ヒクソン氏(作家・舞台ディレクター)

Thursday, September 23 "Contrast Culture in Training - Developing Effectiveness Abroad"

Dr. Edward C. Stewart ( Visiting Professor of Nagoya Municipal University) / エドワード・スチュワート博士 (名古屋市立大学客員教授)

Thursday November 11
"What is Emotional about Culture?"

Dr. Margaret (Peggy) Pusch (Associate Director of the Intercultural Communication Institute/Former President of NAFSA) / マーガレット・プッシュ博士


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