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Monthly Program




2006年6月9日(金) 19:00-21:00
June 9, Friday, 19:00-21:00

屈辱を避けるには?インターカルチュアル コミュニケーションからグローバル インター−ヒューマン コミュニケーションへ
Avoiding Humiliation - From Intercultural Communication to Global Inter-Human Communication

Dr. Evelin Gerda Lindner M.D., Ph.D. (Dr. med.), Ph.D. (Dr. psychol.)

Reitaku University Tokyo Kenkyu Center (Shinjuku i-Land Tower, 4th Floor)

英語 English

会員 1000円; 一般 2000円;
会員学生 無料; 一般学生 500円; 大学院学生 1000円

Members 1000Yen; Non-members 2000Yen;
Member Students Free;
Non-member Students 500Yen; Non-member Graduate Student 1000Yen

会員入会・特典はこちら (Membership & benefits)

近代の歴史や文化変容の中にみられるプライド、誇り、尊厳、屈辱、謙遜の概念について述べ、現在の世界情勢におけるグローバリゼーションと人権の2つの力が、屈辱という現象を浮き彫りにしていることを明らかにする。屈辱によってもたらされる悪影響を避けるために、私たちが文化によるアイデンティティの構築やglobal inter-human communicationとどう取り組めばいいのかを考えていきたい。

Under certain circumstances, our understanding of culture can have humiliating effects. The notion of culture can be used in either a neutral, descriptive way, or prescriptively, such as, "Are you really part of our culture?"? While the descriptive use of the concept of culture may be rather benign, applying it in a prescriptive way may have malign effects. Dr. Lindner believes that the field of intercultural communication has a responsibility to discuss these malign effects in order to avoid inadvertently heightening them. This is because intercultural communication that respects cultural difference blindly can do great harm.

Lindner will explain how she started her research on the concept of humiliation and its role in genocide, war, and violent conflict. Her initial research (1997-2001) took her to Rwanda and Somalia, where genocidal killings had taken place in 1994 and 1981.

She will explain her theory of humiliation and how the notions of pride, honor, dignity, humiliation, and humility are inscribed into current historic and cultural normative transitions. She believes that at the present historic juncture two new forces bring humiliation to the fore in unprecedented intensity. Globalization (or the coming-together of humankind) is the first force, which, in concert with the human rights revolution, the second force, increases the significance of the phenomenon of humiliation. She concludes with a discussion of how we may best approach identity building within the world's cultures and the two changing forces of globalization and human rights. She believes that we have to strongly inscribe global inter-human communication into international relations and intercultural communication in order to avoid possible destructive effects from humiliation.

Evelin Gerda Lindner氏は様々な分野において活躍する著名な人道主義者であり、個人やコミュニティーにおける屈辱の影響に関する活動は平和研究に重要な貢献をしてきている。Linder氏は世界的なネットワークをもつHuman Dignity and Humiliation Studiesの創設者であり、オスロ大学の関係者でもある。6月に著書を出版予定。

Dr. Evelin Gerda Lindner is a well-known, committed, and multidisciplinary advocate for humanity in a global society. Her work on the effects of humiliation on individuals and communities has made a significant contribution to the study of peace. The founder of the Human Dignity and Humiliation Studies global network, Dr. Lindner is affiliated with the University of Oslo. She will be publishing her latest book in June.

場所案内/How to get there?:
麗澤大学東京研究センター(新宿アイランド.タワー4階/新宿区西新宿 6-6-1)。アイランドタワーは、丸の内線西新宿駅と直接つながっています。JR新宿駅からは、徒歩10分です。低層階行のエレベーターに乗り、4階で降りて廊下を右へ進んでください。左側一番奥のドアが、麗澤大学東京研究センターの入り口です。

i-Land Tower can be accessed directly from Nishi-Shinjuku Station on the Marunouchi Line by following the underground path. From JR Shinjuku Station it is approximately a 10-minute walk. Once you get to the building, select an elevator that stops on the 4th floor. After you get off on the 4th floor, walk to the right until you get to the last door on your left.


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