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Monthly Program




Friday, May 21, 2004 7:00-9:00p.m.

Intercultural Experience and Cultural Identity Redefined:
The Case of Assistant Language Teachers in Japanese Schools

浅井亜紀子 PhD カリタス女子短期大学専任講師
Akiko Asai, PhD, Assistant Professor, Caritas Woman's Junior College

Reitaku University Tokyo Kenkyu Center (Shinjuku i-Land Tower, 4th Floor)

日本語 Japanese

会員 1,000円; 一般 2,000円
Members 1000Yen; Non-members 2000Yen


This study examines how ALTs' cultural identities are redefined in the different culture of Japanese schools. Hall (1977) regarded cultural identity as a subjective process in which an individual takes a "position" against representations (image, stereotypes, etc.) forced by the dominant society. This study reveals how positioning happens psychologically and how this process is related to contexts. This has not been revealed in preceding studies. How ALTs take positions in human relationships and in their jobs, and how they define their ethnicity is examined. Also examined is how ALTs' positioning processes are influenced by their relationships with JTEs, Japanese students, working environments, and macro-level factors such as history and international relations. Fieldwork was conducted for nineteen months, in which 43 ALTs and 32 JTEs were interviewed and 46 classes were observed in 19 middle schools. Data analysis was done qualitatively and quantitatively so that hypotheses were constructed in regard to the process of positioning.

浅井氏はサンフランシスコ州立大学スピーチコミュニケーション研究科で故D. C. Barnlund教授の師事もと修士号取得(スピーチ・コミュニケーション、 1991年)。お茶の水女子大学人間文化研究科博士課程にて箕浦康子教授の師事のもと博士号取得(文化心理学)(2004年)。博士論文のタイトルは、「異文化体験と文化的アイデンティティのゆらぎ−日本の学校における『外国語指導助手』の事例より」。本発表は浅井氏の博士論文研究に基づくものである。

Akiko Asai is teaching in the Communication and Culture Section at Caritas Woman's Junior College. She graduated from the Department of Speech and Communication at San Francisco State University and obtained an M. A. in Speech Communication under the supervision of the late Dr. Dean C. Barnlund. She has recently finished the doctoral course with a PhD in Cultural Psychology at the Human and Culture Research Center at Ochanomizu University, under the supervision of Dr. Yasuko Minoura. Her dissertation title is" Intercultural Experience and Cultural Identity Redefined: The Case of Assistant Language Teachers in Japanese Schools." In this presentation, Dr. Asai will share with us the main findings in her dissertation research.

場所案内/How to get there?:
麗澤大学東京研究センター(新宿アイランド.タワー4階/新宿区西新宿 6-6-1)。アイランドタワーは、丸の内線西新宿駅と直接つながっています。JR新宿駅からは、徒歩10分です。低層階行のエレベーターに乗り、4階で降りて廊下を右へ進んでください。左側一番奥のドアが、麗澤大学東京研究センターの入り口です。

i-Land Tower can be accessed directly from Nishi-Shinjuku Station on the Marunouchi Line by following the underground path. From JR Shinjuku Station it is approximately a 10-minute walk. Once you get to the building, select an elevator that stops on the 4th floor. After you get off on the 4th floor, walk to the right until you get to the last door on your left.

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