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年次大会 - Conference


異文化コミュニケーション学会 2002年度年次大会

"Culture and Global Dynamics"

2002年6月29日 (土)・30日(日)


会員 5,000円 (Member)
一般 8,000円 (Non-member)

参加方法/How to apply:
申込書はこちらでダウンロード ここからダウンロード☆
(申込書を表示するにはAdobe Acrobat Reader(無料)が必要です。)

Application Form can be downloaded here.
(You may need to download Adobe Acrobat Reader.)

副会長の挨拶/Conference Program Greetings
As Vice-President of SIETAR Japan, I would like to welcome you to our 17th Conference!

As you can see in this year's preliminary program, under the overall theme of Culture and Global Dynamics, we have more than forty sessions grouped into fourteen sub-themes addressing very diverse aspects of intercultural education, training and research.

Particularly noteworthy this year are our keynote speakers. Michael Paige of the University of Minnesota will be speaking on global issues and challenges in education and training in the 21st century. Adair Nagata, formerly of Citibank and now an independent scholar, will introduce us to a cutting edge approach to qualitative research called "mindful inquiry," and Emiko Magoshi, well known NHK radio personality and professor of business management at Obirin University, will share her ideas on communication for transnational management.

We anticipate that seasoned, as well as novice, academics and practitioners in the intercultural field will find something of interest. We look forward to your participation!

Jacqueline Wasilewski, Ph.D.


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